2014 Vocations Conference Announcement – Promises, Prophecy and Hope

*The National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors will be holding their two-yearly conference on March 9-12th, 2014 at the Courtyard Marriot Hotel in Toronto.

The title of the conference is Promises, Prophecy and Hope.

The Keynote speaker next year will be Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sister Barbara is a Scripture Scholar at Catholic Theological Union and a much sought-after speaker. Her publications include: Choosing the Better Part: Women in the Gospel of Luke; The Parables for Preachers and A Retreat with St. Luke.

The Conference will also include numerous lively and important workshops on the topic of Vocation Culture and Formation Ministry as well as opportunities for discussion and relaxation. Mark your calendars well ahead for this hope-filled conference!

January 15, 2014 — Early Bird Hotel Reservation
February 1, 2014 — Hotel Reservations
February 10, 2014 — Conference Registration

Download the brochure
(Note: it is a 1.3MB PDF)

Enclosed in the brochure you will find the following:
General Conference Information
Conference Announcements – themes and keynote speaker information
Workshop Sessions Details
Environment/Liturgy Committee Participation Form
Registration Form
Hotel Information