A Meditation For Lent

*The liturgical seasons that we celebrate in our Church are gifts for our journey. The season of Lent reminds us that our faith journey is ultimately a journey of the heart. On Ash Wednesday, the prophet Joel reminds us that our God invites us to “return to me with all your heart.”

How does that invitation call me this year? God offers each of us a new beginning, a whole new opportunity to listen to God’s voice in quietness of spirit. Perhaps I am being called to live more fully the gift of my personal vocation with the love and joy through which I am entrusted to reveal God in the world or as my wise and gentle novice director would have said, “Go out today and make God look good!” Or perhaps the invitation is to claim the time to discern in prayer and with the help of a “soul friend” what is my life’s call or vocation. Am I fearful of listening, of choosing for God? Perhaps Lent then becomes a time to ask God for mercy, for courage, for clarity and for fidelity as I embrace the dignity and gift of my baptism seeking to live it fully as I am called. This Lent, may I come to God with all my heart.

Sister Mary Rowell, CSJ