Franciscans of Canada


To live joyfully the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in simplicity and humility as brothers to those of our fraternities, to all people and to all creation.


The Franciscans evolved from a small band of men who were inspired by St. Francis of Assisi’s vision and example of Gospel life. They gathered around him to support each other in their effort to follow Jesus Christ more closely. We are, therefore, first a brotherhood. And the purpose of our fraternal life is simply to live the Gospel.

The source of our Gospel life is our communion with God in private and communal prayer. The Gospels have a pre-eminent place in our contemplation. Through prayer we transform our lives so that like Francis, we, ourselves, become a prayer.

Our primary “ministry” is to be a Gospel witness in the world. Therefore, we are not identified with any one type of ministry but are involved in a great variety. This “ministry of presence” flows from our life of prayer and permeates all our other ministries.

Franciscan spirituality is rooted in the incarnation of Jesus. Two aspects of this inspired Francis: fraternity and minority. This is reflected in our official name, “Order of Friars Minor”. “Friar” means brother and “minor” means little. As Jesus, out of love, came to serve us as a poor and humble (little) brother, so the friars are to be to all people and all creation. And in doing this in the joy of the Spirit we give witness that true happiness is not derived from the accumulation of power, prestige and possessions but in God alone.