Sisters of Charity – Halifax


We, Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul are a congregation of consecrated women sharing the gift of a call to give joyful witness to love: the love of God, of one another, and of all persons.


The Sisters of Charity – Halifax is an international congregation of more than 600 Roman Catholic Sisters, founded in 1849. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, the Sisters now serve across Canada, the Eastern United States, Peru, Bermuda and the Dominican Republic.

While the Congregation’s historic focus was mainly education and health care, today the diverse ministries of the Sisters are as unique as the women themselves, the gifts they bring and the needs of the community and church.

Such diversity includes Sisters who minister in parishes as pastoral associates, religious education coordinators, home visitors and pastoral care workers. Sisters work as teachers, administrators and counselors in schools and colleges. They serve the poor and disadvantaged through social service programs, shelters and education centres. Sisters also minister in health care and holistic health. A growing number of Sisters are involved in work relating to social justice concerns, including peace issues, earth consciousness and the environment.

The Sisters of Charity remain faithful advocates for the elderly and poor and continue to support new ministries, especially those related to women and children.

“We believe in the future of religious life and in inviting women to vowed membership. We welcome those whom God calls to share our life.”