Daughters of St. Paul


As Daughters of St. Paul we are called to live and communicate Christ the Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life of humanity. Faithful to the charism of our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, and in the spirit of our patron, St. Paul, we embrace every available means of communication to proclaim to all people the mysteries of salvation.


We are called “to be Christ, to let Christ be formed within us. Christ wants to use me to reach out to the whole world.”
Sr. Karen Marie Anderson, FSP

The unifying center of a Daughter of St. Paul’s life is Jesus Christ, the One who is our Lord and Master, our Way, and Truth, and our Life, the One who invites us to be totally conformed to him in love.

The Pauline spirituality is rooted in the life and teaching of St. Paul, who lived in intimacy with Christ and spent his energy and his life to proclaim the Good News to all. St. Paul’s complete dedication to proclaiming Jesus Christ inspires us to give all our talents, love, and energy to carrying on this same work of evangelization. If St. Paul were alive today he would be appearing on television, broadcasting on the radio, authoring books, creating web pages in an untiring effort to communicate to as many as possible the Jesus Christ who had won his heart, and the salvation won for us by Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Our prayer is nourished at the living fonts of the Word of God and the Eucharist. It is from here that we derive the strength to spend our lives seeking holiness and living at the service of the Gospel. We nourish ourselves by daily meditating on the Word of God, celebrating the Liturgy as a community, and in our daily hour of Eucharistic adoration. Our prayer and contemplation are like a candle flame which of its very essence needs to diffuse itself and give light to others.

Blessed Alberione wrote, “We must always lead others towards heaven. But we must lead those who live today, not those who lived ten or more centuries ago.” People today are charting new spiritual journeys, finding transcendence in places outside the churches – in music, movie theaters, books, in chat rooms, discussion lists and websites. Our Founder believed that if people no longer go to church, we must, like the Good Shepherd, seek them out and transform the places where they do go into churches.

We bring Jesus to the world and the world to Jesus through our books, music, radio programs, and website, and most especially through touching the lives of people directly in our Pauline Books and Media Centers, exhibits, presentations and workshops, and other forms of mission. From our Pauline Center for Media Studies we encourage and train adults and adolescents to use God’s media gifts thoughtfully and prayerfully, and we actively explore the re-expression of Christian faith within the rhythms, parables, myths, issues, and narratives of popular culture.

Blessed James Alberione told us, “The machine, the microphone, the screen are our pulpit. The printing plant, the production, projection and broadcasting studios are our church.”