Sisters of St. Ann
To share the mission of Christ the Educator, is for us, to help those whom God places on our path attain fullness of life. We respond to the needs of our time and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Our charism is to help others grow in liberty, truth and life. We try to live simply. Our foundress, Venerable Marie Anne Blondin, brought education to rural Quebec. As educators we continue her legacy as we:
- offer encouragement and guidance through spiritual direction
- attend the sick, and help the dying
- walk on unfamiliar paths with prisoners, the marginalized, and refugees
- develop programs to enhance growth and wholeness
- provide workshops and retreats
What? Why?
What is your dream? Have you ever felt something of God gently stirring inside you? Somehow you just knew deep within that LIFE IS A GIFT and you wanted to respond with the fullness of your being? Are you looking for ways to make a difference in the world? Have you ever wondered if there are others who share your faith, concern, and longing? We are women rooted in the Gospel, daring to:
- Dream new dreams
- Live a prophetic presence
- Create a more just and caring world through communities of faith and sharing, and the development of attitudes of non-violence.