Sisters of Mercy
We, Sisters of Mercy, in response to our baptismal call and in the spirit of Catherine McAuley, participate in the mission of Jesus through prayer, community living and service.
We collaborate with other members of the church to extend God’s reign of love, justice and peace.
We do this through our ministry with the poor, sick, aged, uneducated and oppressed.
By striving to make God’s mercy visible, we become signs of hope in the church and in the world.
We are called to a mission of mercy and justice in today’s world. We seek to live a spirituality flowing from a sense of the sacredness of creation and expressed in reverence for ourselves, one another and all the earth.
We commit ourselves to grow in appreciation of and to rejoice in the diversity of our gifts and resources for ministry. We claim and live our corporate presence wherever we respond in mercy.
As we come to value ourselves as women and to recognize the injustice to women globally, we are compelled to be a prophetic presence with women in our church and in our society. As women in ministry, in community and in leadership, we strive to include, listen, encourage, connect and call forth.
We choose to create community which is life giving, energizes for ministry and challenges us to be gospel women.
We walk together in hope, open to new understandings of community, to new directions in ministry and to new expressions of leadership.
July 1997 – 16th General Chapter