Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
The events of our world and of our lives urge us to hear the cries of the poor and to respond anew to the call of God to do justice. This commandment resounds urgently in our day through the calls of the Church. The history of the Jewish people makes us particularly sensitive to the rights of minorities, of the poor, and of all who are marginalized in our society. These situations provoke our reflection and our prayer; they demand concrete commitments.
The Sisters of Sion is an international group of Roman Catholic women religious who are called to witness to God’s faithful love for the Jewish People and to hope in the promises confided to them for all humanity. We are committed, in light of this gift, to build a world of justice and peace.
Our charism is a continuing gift. By it we are compelled to “hope, pray and work for the day when all will know the Lord and where justice and peace will embrace.”(Constitution# 5). We are called to encourage the Church to reflect on its origin and mission to rediscover its roots in Judaism. In light of the tragedy of the Shoah, our charism calls us to challenge all forms of racism and marginalization by responding to the biblical imperative to “hear the cries of the poor”.
The Congregation of Our Lady of Sion is international, ministering in 24 countries. It is comprised of two branches, Active and Contemplative, and maintains a close relationship with the Fathers and Brothers of Our Lady of Sion. Whatever ministries we are involved in, we keep alive the vision of Theodore, the unshakeable knowledge of our roots, and our call to do justice.