Sister Hang Tran: My Story

“I have gone from embellishing exterior beauty to enhancing people’s interior beauty.”

I had a happy home life as a child. I studied to become an aesthetician and I was passionate about my work, because it helped me see beauty in each person. I thought I would do this to my dying day! But an emptiness inside made me yearn for something else.

In my search I found a God who loves me profoundly despite my poor response. Seduced by this unconditional love, I chose to offer myself as a Sister of Holy Cross and help them build a world full of love and justice.

Presently I work with young people who also thirst for God and who are searching for deeper meaning in their lives.

I have gone from embellishing exterior beauty to enhancing people’s interior beauty! I love what I do and I am happy for the support I receive from the sisters as I journey on this new road!