Monthly Archives: March 2014

Days of Prophecy, Promise and Hope: The 2014 Canadian Vocation Conference

Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. keynote speaker

* Between March 9 – 12th., over 100 participants gathered in Toronto for the 2014 Conference hosted by the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD). The conference was a celebration of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church and for the world, lived out by all in their various expressions of God’s call to prophecy, promise and hope.

Keynote speaker and Scripture scholar, Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. invited challenging invitations to reflection on the witness of Mary and Elizabeth in the New Testament story of the Annunciation and Visitation. Speaking of prophecy Sr. Barbara said that “Mary teaches us the blessedness of messiness – we are challenged to be attentive to the voice of God in the midst of the messiness of life.” With Mary, we are to sing the Magnificat as a song that announces justice and hope, denouncing the shadows of oppression and violence in our world – proclaiming promise and hope for all. Elizabeth was a woman who found her voice to announce the “Good news” out of which we are called to “accompany people on the margins and to speak up to unjust situations” – to give “voice to the voiceless”. This is born in “contemplative commitment” in order that we may birth new life in God’s promise and hope.

The themes of prophecy, promise and hope were also echoed in the presentations of two other keynote speakers. Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, Executive Director of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC), brought “good news” relating to religious vocation in the United States and the wonderful NRVC initiative of “Moving Forward in Hope”, encouraging a lively vision of the future of religious life. Fr. Frank Morrisey spoke of promise and hope as he helped participants reflect on issues concerning mature candidates entering religious communities today.

Vibrant and varied workshops focusing on living the contemplative religious vocation, respecting diversity of call, circles of discernment, evangelization, formation for mature candidates, associate membership of religious communities, creating vocation websites, discernment with young adults and helping children and youth see the place of God’s call in their lives, added to this dynamic conference. Beautiful prayer planned graciously by Sister Mary-Clare Stack, U.J. and Eucharistic celebrations, one presided by his Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, completed the gift of this hope-filled gathering. The flavor of the whole conference was enhanced by the gifted facilitation of Sister Elizabeth Davis RSM.

With much gratitude, The Board of NAVFD, received the wonderful offer by Sisters from Winnipeg to host the next national vocation conference in 2016. Keep watch here for dates and join us for what promises to be another gathering of great hope and trust in God’s love and call for the future.

Fr. Isaac Slater OCSO addresses the call to contemplative religious life

Conference particpants