Monthly Archives: April 2014

A Reflection For Easter 2014
Amazement and Joy Bring Openness to New Life


On Easter morn, Mary Magdalene sought to anoint Jesus’ body but instead, was surprised by His presence! He is risen as He said He would! Her surprise came when she heard her name called “Mary!” as one very much known by Jesus.

“Rabboni!” Amazement led to extreme joy! Then, before she could totally grasp this experience, Jesus brought her to another level of encounter. “Go and tell my brothers” was poured into her mind and heart as good news. This would set a record of newness, of new courage, of new life to Jesus’ disciples and all who await the fulfilment of His promise of salvation. That moment, her encounter with the Risen Lord opened a new chapter of who she is to become. A messenger of Easter joy!

How can we prepare ourselves to encounter and be amazed by Jesus? As we know, Jesus, by His Resurrection, is present among us in the ordinariness of our daily life (“I am with you always…”), in His living Word, in the life of the Church-in worship and in the care of others, especially the poor and the vulnerable. His presence is loving and gentle, inviting us to see Him through suffering and pain. Let us be amazed at the new life that springs forth from the faithful efforts of men and women who believe and care, and in those who defend and promote life. Let us be amazed at the silent whispers of prayer and supplications by the people of God. Let us be amazed at the inspirations the Holy Spirit gives us to constantly hope and promote peace. Let us leave behind ways that entomb us. Let us allow the light of God to roll away the stones of fear, indifference and busyness that keep us away from those we love. With our faith-filled amazement, let us turn to prayer where we contemplate Jesus active in our lives and around us. The Sacraments are for us, signs of His loving presence, abundant mercy and wise accompaniment in our journey to new life.

This Easter season, let us ask Jesus to transform this amazement of His love to a constant renewal of our mind, to think as He thinks, to think with the Church in outreach, to make our daily encounter with Him reach a newer level of discipleship.

  • How can I cultivate the habit of being amazed by God?
  • How can I be a messenger of Easter joy?