Monthly Archives: November 2014

A Reflection For Advent 2014


In her beautiful book of meditations, “Fragments of Your Ancient Name”, Joyce Rupp writes:

Come, Spirit of Joy, come!
Be reborn in us. Birth enthusiasm.
Leap into our minds with gladness.
Dance away dismal discouragement.
Toss out griping and antipathies.
Topple old fortifications of blame.
Chase away what creates sadness.
Loosen all that keeps out your joy.
Hasten our footsteps to happiness.
Fulfill the designs of your heart.

God indeed has plans for each of us and God desires our happiness that in our lives we might fulfill the designs God’s heart. It is through living out our particular vocation that we are called over and over again to fulfill God’s designs in the world.

At the beginning of this Advent, 2014 we also begin the celebration of the “Year of Consecrated Life”. During this special Year, women and men who are vowed members of religious communities are asked to re-examine and renew the commitments of their vocation. But Advent provides an invitation to all of us to “take stock” of our lives; to re-examine and renew our commitments in light of our personal and varied vocations. In this special liturgical time of waiting anew for the coming of Christ in our hearts and in our world will we receive that invitation and pray, “Come, Spirit of Joy, come! Be reborn in us?”

Sr. Helen Pinto First Vows

Sr. Mercedes Lopez, U.J., congregational leader, receives her vows.

*First vow celebration of Sr. Helen Pinto, Ursuline of Jesus.

The celebration took place on Friday, September 19, 2014 at St. Joseph Basilica in Edmonton.

She has answered God’s call to live our charism, “contemplating, celebrating, living and announcing the Incarnation”.

Read about the Ursulines of Jesus



*What a wonderful gift and invitation we have been given by Pope Francis who has named 2015 the “Year of Consecrated Life”. Pope Francis reminds all religious that they are to “Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! It is possible to live differently in the world”, he says. While addressing his remarks specifically to members of religious communities this call reminds us all that together in our varied vocations we are indeed to proclaim the Gospel of Joy through our lives.

The Year of Consecrated Life begins significantly with a call. The call is expressed in three ways:

(1) For renewal within communities of women and men in consecrated life.

(2) For appreciation and gratitude for the multitude of ways that religious sisters, brothers and priests witness to God’s love in lives of prayer and joyful service in the world – those in our contemplative communities and those in lives of active diversified ministry in our Church and world today.

(3) For invitation to the next generation as Pope Francis has said, to “be courageous” in discernment of consecrated life – to commit and to dare to live differently for God.

Please pray that this special year will indeed be a time of renewal, ever deeper commitment and witness, thanksgiving and new life. Younger people, “be courageous” dare to discern a religious vocation, to a life lived fully in Christ and in service. “Wake up the World” with your life!

The Year of Consecrated Life Resources

Read more on the main Year of Consecrated Life page