Monthly Archives: November 2016

National Religious Vocation Conference – 2016 Convocation

October 27-31, 2016

There were nearly 300 participants who gathered in Kansas for Convocation, representing 30 states and the District of Columbia, as well 15 international guests representing Belize, Canada, England, Ghana, Grenada, Mexico, Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago.

The theme for Convocation 2016 was “Awakened by the Spirit: Called to Discipleship.” The theme draws on Pope Francis’ invitation to those in consecrated life to “Wake up the World.” Once awakened by the Spirit, we are compelled to move outward and proclaim the Good News. We know that as disciples, the Spirit moves in and through us and God “is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).