Monthly Archives: June 2017

Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment

June 14, 2017

The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops announces the opening of a website in preparation for the Fifteenth Ordinary Assembly on the theme “Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment”, which will be held in the month of October 2018. This website will be available from 14 June at

This initiative will enable the promotion of wider participation among all young people around the world, not only for receiving information on the synodal event but also for interacting and participating in the path of preparation.

In particular, please note that the aforementioned site includes an online questionnaire directly addressing young people in various languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese). The answers must be received by the General Secretariat by 30 November 2017. They will be of great use in the path of preparation for the synodal event and will form part of the wider-ranging consultation that this General Secretariat is carrying out at all levels among the people of God.

Pentecost – Do you ever feel alone?


Do you ever feel alone? We all do at times, but in today’s gospel we are reminded that we are never truly alone. The Advocate, the Spirit of truth, has been given to us by God and is abiding with us, inclining our hearts to make the right choice about where to go, what path to take, what decision to make at any given moment.

‘Abide’ is one of the most beautiful words in Scripture. With the noise of the world surrounding us, and perhaps an agitated spirit (which is not of the Spirit) circulating in us, it is not always easy to hear this abiding Spirit of truth. God is with me, and I am in God; what can be more beautiful or life-affirming?

How can we know this Spirit of truth? We need to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to the deepest desire of our hearts, to show us where the Spirit dwells-and then the truth will be revealed. As we consider how God might be calling us in our life’s vocation, ministry and lifestyle let us touch into that space in our hearts.

The Spirit of truth is not temporary or passing-it is a promise forever. In these times where a commitment for ‘forever’ is rare, it is comforting to know that we can count on the Holy Spirit in this ever-changing, ever-challenging world.

Let us give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives.