Category Archives: News

Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment

June 14, 2017

The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops announces the opening of a website in preparation for the Fifteenth Ordinary Assembly on the theme “Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment”, which will be held in the month of October 2018. This website will be available from 14 June at

This initiative will enable the promotion of wider participation among all young people around the world, not only for receiving information on the synodal event but also for interacting and participating in the path of preparation.

In particular, please note that the aforementioned site includes an online questionnaire directly addressing young people in various languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese). The answers must be received by the General Secretariat by 30 November 2017. They will be of great use in the path of preparation for the synodal event and will form part of the wider-ranging consultation that this General Secretariat is carrying out at all levels among the people of God.

Witness Interview – Sr. Rosemary MacDonald

April 5, 2017

The following aired on Witness on Salt & Light TV.

National Religious Vocation Conference – 2016 Convocation

October 27-31, 2016

There were nearly 300 participants who gathered in Kansas for Convocation, representing 30 states and the District of Columbia, as well 15 international guests representing Belize, Canada, England, Ghana, Grenada, Mexico, Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago.

The theme for Convocation 2016 was “Awakened by the Spirit: Called to Discipleship.” The theme draws on Pope Francis’ invitation to those in consecrated life to “Wake up the World.” Once awakened by the Spirit, we are compelled to move outward and proclaim the Good News. We know that as disciples, the Spirit moves in and through us and God “is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

National Association of Vocation & Formation Directors Conference

The National Association of Vocation & Formation Directors Conference was held April 25-28 in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S: Rest In Peace

It is with great sadness that the Board of NAVFD share the news that Sr. Kathleen Kelly SSS, past President (from Toronto) passed away suddenly in her sleep on December 26th.

Kathleen was in the Philippines working with the novices of the Sisters of Social Service since November 29 and due to return to Canada, Dec. 29th.

We share this sad news since many of us knew and loved Kathleen. Sister Kathleen was such a great inspiration and leader to all those engaged in vocation ministry. Further details will be announced as soon as possible. May Sister Kathleen now rest in peace in the heart of God. Please keep the Sisters of Social Service and Sister Kathleen’s family in your prayers.

“Come and See” – A Retreat for Women Discerning Religious Life

*Jesus saw the two disciples and said to them “What are you looking for?” They said to Him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and See”

Are you a single Catholic woman who may have wondered if you are called to religious life?

If so, the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada are offering a weekend discernment retreat (Friday, April 24 from 7pm until Sunday, April 26, 2pm) at Villa St. Joseph, 445 Monk Street, Cobourg, Ontario.

To register or for further information please contact Sister Mary Rowell
(telephone: 905-372-2741; e-mail:

Download the poster with more information (PDF)

“A First International Conference”: In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life

*“A First International Conference”: In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life and to expand vocation horizons across the globe a gathering of international vocation leaders met in Rome between February 23-27, 2015.

This unprecedented and very successful meeting brings great hope to all those engaged in religious animation and promotion.

Please see the Report of the Delegates (PDF)

Sr. Helen Pinto First Vows

Sr. Mercedes Lopez, U.J., congregational leader, receives her vows.

*First vow celebration of Sr. Helen Pinto, Ursuline of Jesus.

The celebration took place on Friday, September 19, 2014 at St. Joseph Basilica in Edmonton.

She has answered God’s call to live our charism, “contemplating, celebrating, living and announcing the Incarnation”.

Read about the Ursulines of Jesus



*What a wonderful gift and invitation we have been given by Pope Francis who has named 2015 the “Year of Consecrated Life”. Pope Francis reminds all religious that they are to “Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! It is possible to live differently in the world”, he says. While addressing his remarks specifically to members of religious communities this call reminds us all that together in our varied vocations we are indeed to proclaim the Gospel of Joy through our lives.

The Year of Consecrated Life begins significantly with a call. The call is expressed in three ways:

(1) For renewal within communities of women and men in consecrated life.

(2) For appreciation and gratitude for the multitude of ways that religious sisters, brothers and priests witness to God’s love in lives of prayer and joyful service in the world – those in our contemplative communities and those in lives of active diversified ministry in our Church and world today.

(3) For invitation to the next generation as Pope Francis has said, to “be courageous” in discernment of consecrated life – to commit and to dare to live differently for God.

Please pray that this special year will indeed be a time of renewal, ever deeper commitment and witness, thanksgiving and new life. Younger people, “be courageous” dare to discern a religious vocation, to a life lived fully in Christ and in service. “Wake up the World” with your life!

The Year of Consecrated Life Resources

Read more on the main Year of Consecrated Life page

Appointment of NAVFD Executive Director

Nancy Sullivan, CSJ

* The Board of NAVFD is delighted to announce the appointment of Sister Nancy Sullivan, CSJ as part-time Executive Director of the Association.

Sister Nancy is currently Director of the Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada and she will now combine her two roles.

Sister Nancy brings many gifts to her new position. She has much experience in vocation visioning and ministry, a deep and practical commitment to those who are poor, strong administrative and financial skills, global outreach and international experience.

Sister Nancy will begin her new work on July 1, 2014.

We greatly look forward to working with her as together we build a “culture of vocation” in Canada and partner closely with other Vocation and Formation organizations across the world. Congratulations, Sister Nancy!