Tag Archives: News

Ursulines of Jesus – First and Final Vows


The Ursulines of Jesus, are profoundly grateful to God, for the new life burgeoning in our Congregation. Sr. Rachel, from Cameroon, pronounced her final vows August, 2020.
Srs. Bernadette, Cecile and Prisca pronounced their first vows September 8, 2020 in Madagascar.  The theme for their vows was, “Jesus Only” (Jesus Seul) a favourite phrase of our founder, Louis-Marie Baudouin.

The novitiate community joyfully welcomed 9 novices on October 5th.

Please hold these women in your prayer that they may be faithful to God’s call and that many more will hear that same invitation and respond with generous hearts.

Visit the Ursulines of Jesus directory listing





An atheist went on a Buddhist retreat and wound up a Jesuit priest

June 15, 2019

If you had met Fr. Ted Penton, SJ, right before turn of the millennium and told him he’d be ordained a Jesuit priest in 2019, he wouldn’t have believed you.

Ted was an atheist when he decided to go on a retreat at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand while traveling after college. His experience there changed everything, and led him on a path back to the Catholic Church, the spiritual home of his childhood.

Fr. Ted is one of the newest Jesuit priests in the world. He ordination was just a few weeks ago in Toronto, one of the 22 Jesuits set to be ordained to the priesthood this year. In this conversation with host Mike Jordan Laskey, Ted opens up about his faith journey, his ordination, and how he went about writing the homily for his first Mass as the presider when the Gospel for the day wasn’t his all-time favorite passage.

Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud.

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xav – Witness Interview

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xav, is a member of the Xavière Missionaries of Christ Jesus, an apostolic religious institute rooted in the spiritual tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits). Sr. Nathalie is the former Director of the National Service for Youth Evangelization and for Vocations of the Bishops’ Conference of France. She is currently the Vice-President of the European Vocations Service. She acted as one of several coordinators for the Pre-Synod meeting of youth held at the Vatican in March 2018, and has been named as an auditor of the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment at the Vatican during the month of October 2018.

Retreat for Religious Under 55

For the second consecutive year a retreat was held for those living religious life who are new to their communities and/or 55 ish and under. Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI offered talks and facilitated our reflection time. The 20 young religious in attendance were able to bring their questions and desires to a casual atmosphere that included times of silent prayer, conversation, joy, and laughter over a 5 day period. In an effort to continue to extend support to all of the new and young religious in Canada (and Canadian religious living abroad) there are plans in place for a retreat next year and a new blog for young religious. More details are on their way so please stay tuned!!

Recent Vocations to Religious Life in Canada

We at NAVFD are thrilled to present the final report of the research study, “Recent Vocations to Religious Life in Canada” conducted for us by the Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). We are most grateful to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for funding this amazing project.

Download the report (Large PDF – 20MB)

Download the appendices (PDF)

Why we Love our Vocation

November 17, 2017

In a video produced by NRVC Board member Father Toby Collins, C.R. and Andrew Turski, members of the National Religious Vocation Conference talk about why they love their vocation to Religious Life.

Witness Interview – Sr. Rosemary MacDonald

April 5, 2017

The following aired on Witness on Salt & Light TV.

Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S: Rest In Peace

It is with great sadness that the Board of NAVFD share the news that Sr. Kathleen Kelly SSS, past President (from Toronto) passed away suddenly in her sleep on December 26th.

Kathleen was in the Philippines working with the novices of the Sisters of Social Service since November 29 and due to return to Canada, Dec. 29th.

We share this sad news since many of us knew and loved Kathleen. Sister Kathleen was such a great inspiration and leader to all those engaged in vocation ministry. Further details will be announced as soon as possible. May Sister Kathleen now rest in peace in the heart of God. Please keep the Sisters of Social Service and Sister Kathleen’s family in your prayers.

“Come and See” – A Retreat for Women Discerning Religious Life

*Jesus saw the two disciples and said to them “What are you looking for?” They said to Him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and See”

Are you a single Catholic woman who may have wondered if you are called to religious life?

If so, the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada are offering a weekend discernment retreat (Friday, April 24 from 7pm until Sunday, April 26, 2pm) at Villa St. Joseph, 445 Monk Street, Cobourg, Ontario.

To register or for further information please contact Sister Mary Rowell
(telephone: 905-372-2741; e-mail: mrowell@csjcanada.org)

Download the poster with more information (PDF)

“A First International Conference”: In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life

*“A First International Conference”: In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life and to expand vocation horizons across the globe a gathering of international vocation leaders met in Rome between February 23-27, 2015.

This unprecedented and very successful meeting brings great hope to all those engaged in religious animation and promotion.

Please see the Report of the Delegates (PDF)